====== PET ACTION SHOTS ====== Wondewred what PET games actually look like? Here are some screenshots of actual PET games: | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptafo.gif|}} {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptafo2.gif|}}\\ a PET Game from Japan, AFO, shoot down the flying saucer by aiming balloons under it. (really!) || | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptart.gif|}}\\ Artillery (Creative Computing) | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptast.gif|}}\\ Mission: Asteroid for the PET - an almost a decent Asterod game if the rocks didn't just go diagonal. | | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptbets.gif|}}\\ Bets! From Cursor One of the better cartoon characitures using the PET graphics. | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptbonzo.gif|}}\\ Bonzo! a Fun Chutes and Ladders Game, kinds silly but I like it. |{{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptsinv2.gif|}} | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptdhunt.gif|}}\\ A PET game a friend wrote and I jazzed up. | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptdsa.gif|}}\\ Dog Star Adventure, a nice beginner adventure game set in the Star Wars universe. | | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptdun.gif|}}\\ Dungeon from Cursor, now this was one of my first early favorites, a mini RPG dungeon crawl, not much now but then it was a beginning. | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:pthorse.gif|}}\\ Horserace, it's amazing the effectsyou can get with some simple graphics and a little ML code. | | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptjbrk.gif|}}\\ Cosmic Jailbreak, a nice variation on the old Space invaders theme - kill the aliens trying to break out their friends. | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptlunar.gif|}}\\ Lunar Lander (Creative Computing) a nice lunar lander simulator that was popular in the day. | | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptmill.gif|}}\\ Millipede - there were some really crappy commercial games for the PET but now and again there were companies who cared about making good games games, like this one. | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptpok.gif|}}\\ Video Poker for the PET, a very nice rendition given it was writtne around 1978 | | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptour1.gif|}} {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptour2.gif|}}\\ Ouranos, the "Weather War" game, as you can see someone used lightning to take a bit away from their opponents house and gets met backwith destructive hail - winner is the first to completely destroy the other's house. || | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptsinv1.gif|}} {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptsinv2.gif|}}\\ An extrordinary re-creation of the classic Space Invaders, all the way down to the attract screen! || | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptstfc.gif|}}\\ Star Force: This is a mystery of where it came from, a good looking (but somewhat easy) version of Star Fire for the PET | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:pttoker.gif|}}\\ Ok here is an odd one, a pot smoking simulator. (Kid's don't do drugs, else you'll end up just writing software like this!) | | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:police.gif|}}\\ Police! from Cursor. A fun little locate and capture the badguy game. | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:ptun.gif|}}\\ Tunnel Vision/Cat and Mouse, a 3-D maze game in blindingly fast ML with a nice top view avoid the cat maze solver. | | {{:larry:comp:commodore:pet:timetrek.gif|}}\\ Last but not least is a great real-time Star Trek game written by Brad Templeton. VERY enjoyable! |