{{ :pacommex:dscn2901.jpg?300|}}====== PaCommEx Presentations & Guests ====== ===== Eric Hill - the Amiga 1000 Rejuvenator + Amiga 1000 Boot Magic ===== At 2 p.m. on Saturday, Eric Hill will give his two presentations -- first, The Amiga 1000 Rejuvenator - Rebuilding the Legend, and second, Amiga 1000 Boot Magic. ===== Don Elman and Commander magazine ===== At 2 p.m. on Sunday, Don Elman, editor of Commander magazine, will speak briefly about those days of publishing a magazine about Commodore computers. ===== Daniel Kaye, Kenneth Turecott, and the Video Toaster ===== Newtek engineers Daniel Kaye and Kenneth Turecott in a video presentation speak about the Video Toaster for the Amiga computer. ===== Kent Sullivan (tentative) ===== Kent Sullivan of Dr. Evil Labs will be wandering about the exhibits. Ask him about the SID Symphony stereo cartridge or the Swiftlink-232 cart! ===== Robert Bernardo ===== Robert will be on hand to show off his eternal enthusiasm for the Commodore line as well as relate his globe-trotting experiences for Commodore and Star Trek fandom.