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PaCommEx News

Our special emphasis this year is the Commodore PET, celebrating 40 years; the Commodore 64, celebrating 35 years; and the Amiga 500/2000, celebrating 30 years.

Set-up time is 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (or later) on Friday, June 9, and 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 10. Tear-down time is Sunday, June 11, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m..

Museum admission is $12; for seniors, students, and veterans, admission is $10; children age 5 and under and PaCommEx exhibitors have free admission.

Photos of the first floor of the Living Computers: Museum + Labs, can be found at

Also there is a video of the first floor so that PaCommEx attendees can get oriented. See

Door prizes will be given out to PaCommEx attendees. Some of the door prizes: a boxed, brown C64 with repairable power supply; a flat Commodore 128 with power supply.

Pacific Commodore Expo NW - a Success!

The show was well-received by Commodore/Amiga users and by the general public, so much so that planning is underway for PaCommEx 2018! Same location, same second weekend in June!

Second Annual Pacific Commodore Expo NW - June 9-10, 2018

Confirmed by our friends at the Living Computers: Museum + Labs, PaCommEx is coming back next year!