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Nov. 6-7 Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2021

Join us for the second, annual Commodore Los Angeles Super Show (CLASS) to be held at the Burbank VFW Hall, 1006 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, California 91506, USA. See

Bogdan Macri, co-founder of SCCAN passes away

Dan Macri, uncle to our SCCAN member Bogdan Macri, has informed me that Bogdan suddenly passed away in late July, 2019.

Bogdan was one of the founding members of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network; he was there when we started the club in Sept., 2005. He regularly attended our meetings and was deeply involved in keeping our meetings running with his knowledge and his humor.

Bogdan was opinionated but in a good way for Commodore and Amiga. He was able to figure out errors in the Amiga operating system and hardware, and was able to repair the items on the spot at our meetings. He was a strong supporter of the Commodore Vegas Expo and of the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show. He showed his support by donating money and by attending the first CLASS. He created the names of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network and the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show. His dry jokes and word play frequently brought laughs out of me, that is, when I understood them. He sometimes had that mischievous look on his face when he knew that I was irritated by some of the things he said.

I was expecting him to show up for our meeting on September 21. When I last saw him at the July meeting, he gave me a Tandy 102 laptop computer and said he was delaying his vacation until after our meeting.

He was my friend, and though we may have had differences of opinions, they were all minor. He even treated me to dinner when I retired in 2016.

Bogdan was a good guy, and he will be missed by me, and I'm sure by all the members of the club.

Sincerely, Robert Bernardo

sccan/news.1624863860.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/28 01:04 by commvex