Commodore Vegas Expo v14
August 11 & 12, 2018
Plaza Casino, Las Vegas, NV


Steve Davison, Commodore 8-Bit ubercoder presenting

Daniel Kaye, Kenneth Turecott, and the Video Toaster

Newtek engineers, Daniel Kaye and Kenneth Turecott, speak about the Video Toaster, the premiere video application for the Amiga computer. Filmed at Maker Faire Bay Area 2018

Eric Hill and the Amiga 1000

On video, Eric Hill speaks about his plans to remake the Rejuvenator board for the Amiga 1000. Then he speaks about Kickstart mods that make booting easy on the A1000.

Don Elman and Commander Magazine

On video, Don Elman, editor of Commander magazine in 1983-1984, speaks about his experiences during those days at the height of Commodore.

Matt Brewster

Matt returns to CommVEx, and he will show off more in the way of Commodore/Amiga hardware emulation. Specifically, he is bringing his Pi-Top (ooo, that green color!), running Amiga OS 3.1, and two more Raspberry Pi's, one running classic Amiga and the other running the C64.

Derek Morris and his book, "Retro Game Dev"

Want to develop a game for the C64? Derek Morris will show you how in his book, “Retro Game Dev”. He plans to give away/raffle off some autographed book copies.

The Latest in Commodore Gaming

As in past years, Roger Van Pelt will have a presentation on the latest C64/VIC-20 games and enhanced games.

Connecting with Commodore Wi-fi Modems

Roger Van Pelt has a presentation on how to connect on-line with the Commodore 64/128 and the Wifi64 modem from SharewarePlus and the Strikelink v1.1 wi-fi modem from Kevin Casteels. He'll be using the programs, CCGMS v6 and Novaterm 9.6.

Richard Goedeken and the "New C64 Super-Uber-Mega-Multicart"

Creator of the original C128 Video DAC, Richard is hanging around the show to talk Commodore and Amiga from gaming to hardware repair. He will also have a presentation on a new cartridge from Poland, so new that at the time of this writing, it still doesn't have a name, but he calls it, “the New C64 Super-Uber-Mega-Multicart.”

Robert Bernardo, the SuperCPU, and the 3D Construction Kit

Robert will be on hand to show off his eternal enthusiasm for the Commodore line as well as relate his globe-trotting experiences for Commodore and Star Trek fandom.

Also he will have a casual demonstration of the 3D Construction Kit for the C64 while it is under SuperCPU 20 MHz. control.